A good construction budget saves money

The functional lifespan of a concrete structure is directly dependent on the condition of its reinforcement.

A well-built structure can last a lifetime if;

  • the reinforcement ((steel) is properly placed,
  • has proper cover and
  • the concrete is properly compacted.

If these procedures are not met then corrosion can take place within the steel, causing the structure to be vulnerable. The corrosion of the reinforcement can be prevented at the pre-construction phase of your build.

Some treatment methods currently in use include adding sacrificial anodes, adding corrosion inhibitors or using additives and coatings to increase a structures’ usable life.

Steel reinforcement treatment has had good reviews and bad reviews. But opinions may be subject to experience. Satisfied customers do not speak as loud and as often as someone whose structure just failed. Epoxy coating is a good example of fine product which has had negative reviews. This method has been used in the construction industry for quite some time but has recently become subject to criticism. Unfairly so in our opinion.

Epoxy coating as all other treatments require a systemic approach which if not adhered to during the installation process of rebar, essentially wastes the money that was put out. For example cracks and chips can occur and if unnoticed, if left unattended will attract and exacerbate corrosion.

So we’ve been speaking of effecting savings by spending money in the correct place and by using skilled contractors at the building phase. However post-construction structures already in use and showing signs of degradation can be repaired properly. First obtain a qualified diagnosis pending which, a suitable repair
procedure can be formulated.

Do ensure the eventual repair is carried out by professionals with training and experience and known for adhering to recognised industrial standards. In another post we’ll speak about Standards